peek@boo - stranger smiling - SCHWARZ - Germany - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

peek@boo / stranger smiling

German indie artist SCHWARZ comes to us with a combo of two fantastic musical realms, say hello to the tales of "peek@boo" and "stranger smiling". With this unique sonic creation, we get a chance to listen to how these two songs can connect and offer us a whole world to explore. Not only that, but the transition from one to the other is so clean, keeping us hooked and offering us a different set of feelings and emotions with each of them. It's something special and unlike anything else out there and frankly I had no idea I would like it as much as I do.

There's something exciting and hypnotizing about both "peek@boo" and "stranger smiling" that you can't help but need and want to explore these realms over and over again. It's a refreshingly intoxicating musical experience that caresses our senses and transports us elsewhere. So listen closely and dive into the unknown and mesmerizing world of this contemporary must-listen combo. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE