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Keep Me From Falling Apart

Editor's Notes Stunning and refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics that come together to tell a story so human and real.

From the US comes the uber-talented indie music producer/songwriter/DJ Brainheart with Dorel on the vocals to give life to "Keep Me From Falling Apart". With this stunning and powerful soundscape, they explore the truth behind relationships, and that is that they are not easy but can be worth the fight. The melodies and lyrics come together to paint a picture that is so human, so real and so easy to connect with. They understand that love is not about the fantasies that movies and fairytales paint, but about understanding that it's a daily decision to love someone and requires you and them to put effort.

"Keep Me From Falling Apart" knows that life is not perfect and in all honesty, who wants perfection when life can be an adventure and if you have someone next to you that you heart just knows they are the one, then jump into the unknown everyday.

There's no denying that this track is an absolutely amazing must-listen gem that speaks to your heart and soul. So listen closely and embrace the sweet magic of the contemporary musical creation that is "Keep Me From Falling Apart". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Brainheart