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I Want You To Know Me

It's always a pleasure when I am able to hear something new from SEA GIRLS, and "I Want You To Know Me" hits the mark just right. With this amazing track, they invite us to dive into another honest and raw showcase of feelings and emotions bound to click with all who listen. It's a soundscape that embraces the passion and beauty that one can find in life, inviting us to scream out loud that we have something that drives us to move forward.

"I Want You To Know Me" is a welcomed reminder that the norm is not always what we all seek to fit in, sometimes we just want something else. It's not about being rebels without a cause, it's about having something that we want to see through and therefore we go all in, hoping for the best. So listen closely and find some inspiration within the intoxicating and captivating melodies and lyrics of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“This song is ‘All I Want To Hear You Say' part 2.  I’m singing to the same person, we’re still friends and I've finally told her I’ve got ambition”

Henry Camamile of SEA GIRLS


"I Want You To Know Me" Music Video

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