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No Control

Editor's Notes Wonderfully captivating, honest and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Peyton McMahon comes to Wolf in a Suit with the wonderfully crated sonic creation that is "No Control". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics he opens up his heart and soul to share a bit of who he his beyond the realm of music. This approach allows us to bring down our walls and connect with the verses as some of us are sure to find a reflection of what goes on within our minds.

There's something refreshing and inviting about the path taken by these verses that just hits home and lets me know that no one is alone. I appreciate the down-to-earth approach of the soundscape that lets is come together and make "No Control" a place to call home for some of us (while letting the other side see things a bit clearer). Listen closely and fall prey to the inspiring lyricism of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wrote “No Control” about the anxiety I've struggled with since I was a kid. Whenever I'm in situations where I don't have control over the outcome, or I'm trying to make a big decision, I can sometimes overthink and worry to the extreme. It's frustrating and makes things harder than they need to be, and it can sometimes feel like an endless cycle, so I wrote this song to vent about it. I worked on it remotely with Harper James on the production, and I'm super proud of how it came out."

Peyton McMahon

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