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(Don’t Quit Your) Daydream

US-based indie singer/songwriter Lily Meola comes to us with the wonderfully inspiring sonic creation that is "(Don't Quit Your) Daydream". With this track she takes a previous release of hers and gives it a new life, one that aims to remind us to be dreamers and to never let go of that voice that pushes us forward. It's a welcomed showcase of how being nervous and scared can be signs of something great being crafted by your heart, soul and the talent you hold. This is a soundscape bound to put a smile in our faces as it invites us all to look at life with new eyes.

There's something quite special waiting for us all within the confines of "(Don't Quit Your) Daydream", a wonderful gift sure to be well-received. So listen closely and let your heart guide you through the inspiring magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I felt the need to write a song that wasn’t about love or heartbreak, I wanted something meaningful and inspiring…something that would encourage other young people to listen to their heart. I feel like I wrote this song for my future self, to re-inspire me to never quit my daydream."

Lily Meola

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