like you lost your mind - Handsome Ghost - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

Like You Lost Your Mind

Editor's Notes A fantastic and absolutely mesmerizing blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie duo Handsome Ghost comes to Wolf in a suit with the refreshingly captivating sonic creation that is "Like You Lost Your Mind". With this welcomed dose of inspiring lyricism and soothing yet playful melodies, we get a special chance to explore a world unknown yet so magnetic. The song flows with a natural ease, caressing our senses and speaking to our hearts and souls with words that are easy to grasp and really make ours.

There's something about "Like You Lost Your Mind" that hits the spot and pulls us in, letting us feel a connection with this story they have crafted with such care and subtle passion. We are bound to be inspired as the verses flow along through the airwaves, inviting us to escape from the holds of the everyday cycle to find ourselves once again. So listen closely and embrace the sweet magic of this marvelous must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Like You Lost Your Mind’ came about after an impromptu, memorable trip up to rural Maine during the pandemic. It goes without saying, but there was an uncertainty in the world at that time that no one had ever experienced, and the trip up north was a chance to escape it all for a while and just enjoy being human for a few days. The song recognizes that nothing is permanent, and everything is fleeting, especially the good stuff. It's a pledge to lean into experiences without a guard up, and to live with an open heart - even when it feels crazy to do so.”

Handsome Ghost

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