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Our Love

From the Netherlands comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Emil Landman with his latest release, say hello to "Our Love". With this refreshingly captivating yet subtly intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives love a wider meaning as it means to explore not only romance but life itself. It's a track that knows exactly how to hit the spot and make everyone feel a connection for it knows love can be found in every single part of life as it can encompass the world's various aspects.

"Our Love" is a refreshing balance between the new and the classic, inviting all in to explore it and find bits and pieces of themselves in every verse. It's a soundscape that manages to grab a hold of our senses and speak to our hearts and souls in a way that is freeing and full of joy. So listen closely, let go of all you and let your imagination guide you through the magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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