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Heart’s Desire

The absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Mary Middlefield comes to Wolf in a Suit with the powerful tale of "Heart's Desire". With this honest and raw showcase of feelings and emotions she opens up her heart to share a story so personal, so sadly human and so unfortunately experienced that it requires all to simply listen and pay careful attention to each verse. It's a track that explores what many seem to considere taboo, but it's a very real part of our society, no matter where you are from, she explores the topic of statutory rape.

"Heart's Desire" is a song that invites you in not for the pleasure of the story, but for the palpable nature it holds, inviting you to connect and to either feel it yours or learn a thing or two. It's a soundscape that understands the sad reality of our human condition, not to destroy it but to understand that good and evil are part of the deal when it comes to humanity. It's a most amazing track and I for one am grateful that she decide to share this to the world, giving voice not only to herself but others as well. So listen closely and explore the must-listen gem that is "Heart's Desire". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“This is a song about statutory rape and falling for a manipulative, inappropriately older man. There's nothing romantic about it, and it shouldn't be treated as such. It is common for young women to be preyed on by people with authority who not only use toxic methods to achieve their goals, but also project their desires, whether sexual or professional. I wanted to express how it feels to live through abuse and experience it first-hand in a song. The song already contains most of my personal experience, so I won't disclose too much.”

Mary Middlefield about "Heart's Desire"

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"Heart's Desire" by Mary Middlefield Live Performance

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