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Edge Of A Feeling

The uber-talented and always amazing Blair Davie comes to us once more to give life to the sonic realm of "Edge Of A Feeling". With this exciting and absolutely hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics we are given a chance to be part of an adventure that is sure to leave a mark. It's a soundscape that embraces us whole from the moment we press play, caressing our senses and speaking to our hearts and souls with such welcomed passion and honesty.

"Edge Of A Feeling" is a unique song that understands that fear is a part of a life, but realizing that you can be brave enough to do something even if it's present, is absolutely inspiring and mesmerizing. It truly is a one-of-a-kind pop anthem that understands the ways in which to make us feel a connection that is not only powerful but truly appreciated. So listen closely and dive into the world of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Like so many people I know, I’ve struggled with anxiety for a long time. It constantly makes me live in fear of the worst-case scenario coming true and has stopped me from living freely. 'Edge Of A Feeling' is about trying to live through that anxiety and not letting it stop you being present and doing what you love. It’s diving head first into the things that scare you and coming out stronger for it.”

Blair Davie

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