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Editor's Notes A wonderfully personal yet quite inviting blend of melodies and lyrics.

From the UK comes the fantastic and uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Bertie Newman with his latest musical creation, say hello to "Home". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics he gives life to one of the most amazing and honest showcases of romanticism and the scary parts of it. The track embraces the wonderful realization that comes when you notice that the place you call home is no longer something material, but something more...or better yet, someone quite special. It also explores how the possibility of not having this person at some point in the future scares you and leaves you hopeless and praying it never happens.

There's a truly captivating showcase of vulnerability and raw storytelling waiting for us all within the confines of this soundscape. It understands how truly fragile our human condition makes us while also embracing how meaningful and important we can be for each other. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Home’ is really a throwback to how I felt really anxious about my current relationship when it first started to manifest. I felt as if a mirror had been placed directly in front of me and everything that was good and bad about myself was being revealed. It is also, most importantly about how when you find a place of peace, then you gravitate towards it, no matter what that place is for you.

Firstly, I wanted to stress how incredible meeting this person was, and did this by comparing the best things imaginable in life to the most annoying things life throws at you however you are spending time with that person and ultimately preferring it to the luxuries of life - lyrics such as “hotel paradise” and “five star dreams” just aren’t as nice “as a rainy day, stuck in traffic by your side”.

This then bleeds into the chorus saying “I want to go home” referring to the person rather than the materialistic desires. The second half of the chorus really just explains the feelings that if she wasn’t in my life I would know how horrible I would feel as I was in that place before meeting her.

Lastly, I wanted the bridge to really be that crying call of what you really want but don’t think you deserve - “you’re the air I breathe, so help me breathe” just highlights the desperate attempt to try and accept such an amazing person coming into my life. Overall, I wrote this song wanting to highlight the absolutely stunning parts of meeting someone so special but also the complications within yourself that come with it.”

Bertie Newman about "Home"

More of Bertie Newman

"Home" Lyric Video


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