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skipping stone

Editor's Notes Honest and relatable verses that are sure to make you feel an instant connection.

From the Netherlands comes the fantastic and uber-talented indie singer/songwriter néomí with her latest sonic creation, say hello to "skipping stone". With this raw and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, she opens up her heart and soul and lets us meet not only the artist but the person behind the music. The track offers us a chance to connect with her verses as her tale comes alive and pulls us in from start to end. The way in which her voice embraces the sadness and the pain of the lyrics, makes the experience so raw and so powerful.

There's something about the way in which the soundscape unfolds that embrace us and gives us a chance to heal through this showcase of humanity. "skipping stone" is an absolute masterpiece as it gives life to a world so hers and so ours, making for a must-listen gem. So listen closely and find a reflection of yourself within the confines of this fantastic track. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I remember myself writing this with my dear friend Jesse Koch, while I had just fallen in love with someone. That someone was going through a difficult time, and in those moments of our relationship I felt like a skipping stone: picked up and thrown over the water, as if I was nothing to him. When I was younger my Dad and I would go down to the river in France to find those flat stones and he would try to teach me how to skip them over the water. I always got frustrated doing it and it’s the image that came to my mind when writing this song.

I felt so insecure, not about me or my lover individually but the love we had. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't allow me to let me in. It felt unfair because I was letting him in, and he just threw me away, like I was his skipping stone to sink somewhere in the lake."


More of néomí