From the UK comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Matilda Mann and the raw and honest sonic creation that is “Glass Ceiling”.
Indie Pop

Music Video: “Dance in the Darkness” by RIVER
German indie band RIVER comes to Wolf in a Suit with the catchy and mesmerizing sonic creation that is “Dance in the Darkness”.
Listen: “Repeat” by SAPPHIRE
Uber-talented indie singer/songwriter SAPPHIRE comes from the UK straight to our speakers with the honest and captivating sonic creation that is “Repeat”.
Listen: “Cages” by WUKASA
WUKASA · Cages “Cages” by WUKASA From the UK come the uber-talented guys of WUKASA with the playful and ethereal…
Listen: “Turn Your Heart Around” by N.O.A.H
Irish indie pop/rock band N.O.A.H comes to Wolf in a Suit with the beautiful and captivating sonic creation that is “Turn your heart around”.
Listen: “5’1” by Greta Isaac
From the UK comes the always amazing and talented Greta Isaac with her latest single, say hello to “5’1”.
Music Video: “Sprinter Van” by CARR
Uber-talented indie singer/songwriter CARR comes to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic and visual adventure that is “Sprinter Van”.
The Soundtrack Part V
The Soundtrack Part V The latest playlist has arrived and comes with a great blend of artists in pop, rock,…
Listen: “Candidates” by Dana and the Wolf
The uber-talented indie pop duo Dana and the Wolf comes to us once more and this time they do so with “Candidates”.
Listen: “Locked Out” by Tall Heights
From the U.S. comes the indie band Tall Heights with their refreshing and haunting dose of pop courtesy of their latest sonic creation, say hello to “Locked Out”.