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Wake Me Up

Editor's Notes Powerful and hypnotizing soundscape that is sure to speak to your heart and soul.

Los Angeles-based indie singer/songwriter GROZ comes to Wolf in a Suit with the powerful sonic creation that is "Wake Me Up". With this refreshingly honest and raw blend of melodies and lyrics she explores her past relationships and the promises they all made. She caresses our hearts and speaks to our souls with a welcomed dose of honesty and humanity that pulls you and makes the song so easy to connect with.

This talented artist understands how to give life to a vivid and lush soundscape that embraces us fully from start to end. Something about these verses flow like silk through the airwaves, setting our senses on fire from moment you press play. Plus, the approach taken to explore the aftermath of heartbreaks is one that inspires and feels like a modern-day anthem.

"Wake Me Up" is an absolutely amazing soundscape that easily earns the label of must-listen gem and a place in any playlist. So listen closely and simply fall into the unknown and electric realm of this fantastic track. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of GROZ