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Lonely Dance

We all grow, we all change and we all mature in our own way, "Lonely Dance" by Loupe embraces this transition beautifully. The track embraces the reality of our human existence and how life is never frozen and is always filled with change. They understand that the things we pictured at one time, can change without a moments notice and our individual desires make themselves present. There's no judgement, but only an honest tale that caresses our senses as it connects the dots and connects us with the soundscape that's unfolding in front of us.

This song is quite captivating and mesmerizing, offering a one-of-a-kind sonic experience that makes us feel at ease and at home. Listen closely for within this must-listen gem lies and adventure that is sure to feel as much yours as it is theirs. Enjoy the ride that is "Lonely Dance".

"'Lonely Dance' is about building up your life, finding your own path and dealing with the image that comes with that. Up to a certain age there used to be a common goal, but at some point you have to figure it out on your own which can be empowering but also lonely at times."


Location: Netherlands

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