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Star Crossed

US-based indie duo Tropic comes to Wolf in a Suit with the refreshingly personal and inspiring sonic creation that is "Star Crossed". With this beautifully honest and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics, they paint a picture so vivid, so lush and so uniquely inviting. It's a track that embraces the ups and downs of the quest for love in a way that is sure to connect with quite a few listeners. It understands that sometimes fantasy and reality clash and they become part of the early stages of this adventure, taking shape in the form of young love.

"Star Crossed" knows exactly how to speak to our hearts and souls, as the soundscape grabs a hold of our senses and invites our imagination to become one with it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Believing that I deserve romantic love is something that I, and so many other queer people, struggle to accept. I lived my life so deep in the closet that when I came out, I was desperate enough to overlook even the most glaring of red flags. I was just so thrilled to be seen, eager to be wanted, and desperate to be loved. I wanted Star Crossed’s lyrics to capture that chapter of my life—a fond, if bittersweet, memory of the desperation of young love.”

Jo-B Sebastian of Tropic about "Star Crossed"

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