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Good Guys Gone

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Erica Manzoli comes to us once more with the bittersweet sonic realm of "Good Guys Gone". With this refreshingly playful and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics, she paints a picture so human and so palpable that you can't help but find bits and pieces of yourself within it. It's a soundscape that embraces that strange feeling of being out of place when you are not in a relationship and everyone else is.

"Good Guys Gone" might feel nostalgic and sad, but something about it manage to also feel fun and tongue in cheek for me. It's a subtle invitation that if that train has gone, maybe it's time to look at everything else you have going on. So listen closely and embrace the sweet magic of these well-crafted verses, pulling you into the world of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wrote this song after a bad breakup and was feeling a little unlucky in love. Being the only single friend is always tough and so I wanted to write something a little bitter but also witty and fun. I hope anyone that resonates with this song understands that love comes in many forms and even if it lacks in the romantic sense you can find love everywhere. So go to that party with your friends, make time for your family, find happiness within yourself. Good things come to those who wait."

Erica Manzoli on "Good Guys Gone"

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