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This Time of Year

Swedish indie singer/songwriter Ellen Krauss understands that the holidays are not always joyful, and "This time of year" embraces this truth. With an exquisite and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, she explores the other side of the holidays and how some experience it. The song embraces the sadness, the yearning and tough reality of being alone in the holidays and how this can touch your heart and soul. She does not aim to share the happy side, for this is known and always told, but the holidays can hold a set of emotions that we rarely connect with it.

There's no denying that this track is sure to make your heart feel sad but it will also you feel happy for what you have and to understand those that don't. Each person is a story and not all stories have all the characters we would like present all the time. So listen closely and fall prey to magical touch of "This Time of Year". Enjoy!

 "This Time Of Year is a story about feeling lost and rootless in a time where we’re expected to feel the most ”at home”.

This Time Of Year is a song I wrote from my “aunts” perspective. She’s not really my aunt but she’s always been in my family because she no longer has a family of her own. Christmas is always a tough time for her as she’s reminded of those she’s lost and it’s all very moving to me."

Ellen Krauss

Location: Sweden

For Apple Music click HERE

More of Ellen Krauss