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Cheap Perfume

From Germany comes the always amazing indie band Roast Apple with their latest musical creation, say hello to "Cheap Perfume". With this refreshingly captivating and uniquely inviting blend of melodies and lyrics they give us a chance to explore a world unknown yet so familiar. It's a one-of-a-kind soundscape that grabs a hold of us in an instant, allowing us to not only listen but actually be part of it from start to end. For it just knows how to tell a story so human, so palpable and so exciting and easy to relate with while also being a truly amazing song.

There's something quite exciting about "Cheap Perfume" that I am sure will turn many music lovers into fans of their unique and intoxicating sound. It's a great addition to any playlist and has already become a favorite of mine that just clicks for me and reminds of the sweet beauty and magic that music holds. So listen closely and fall prey to the mesmerizing touch of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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"Cheap Perfume" Music Video

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