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In My Arms

Nashville-based Canadian indie singer/songwriter Billy Raffoul comes to us once more and gives life to the masterpiece that is "In My Arms". With this track, he gives us a chance to explore the beauty of love in its early stages, when fear and hope become one and you just want to jump into this unknown with open arms. It's an absolutely mesmerizing and charming tale, that embraces us whole and pulls us in from the moment we press play.

There's something quite special about "In My Arms" that manages to connect this tale that is so his with our experiences with love. It's a soundscape bound to connect with all who listen, for it understands how fragile and how brave we can be when ours hearts take the lead. So listen closely and let this magical come alive and become an absolute hypnotizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"In My Arms’ is a song about that point in the earlier stage of a relationship when you're starting to really care about the other person and you feel like you're taking a leap. It's a love song about vulnerability and trust and the hope that it is reciprocated.”

Billy Raffoul

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"In My Arms" Music Video

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