mindseye - lauren ruth ward - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes Exquisite blend of contemporary and classic pop-rock sounds.

The most amazing goddess of music has arrived to the lands of the Wolf in a Suit, say hello to Lauren Ruth Ward and “Mindseye”. With this exquisite musical creation, the always stunning and never-disappointing artist gives us a chance to explore a world unknown. Her voice soars through the airwaves as this soundscape unfolds and comes alive in an instant, making sure we are hooked from start to end. This song is a breath of fresh air that blends pop, rock, what’s new and what’s old and brings it all together to give us something unique and quite special.

Lauren is just one of the most talented artists I’ve had the pleasure of hearing and something about her voice just hypnotizes every time. There’s no denying that this soundscape is a welcomed addition to the ever-growing body of work of this goddess of music. So listen closely and simply fall prey to the sweet magical fire of the must-listen gem that is “Mindseye”. Enjoy!

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