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Therapy Couch

Nashville-based indie band Flight Attendant comes to Wolf in a Suit with the refreshingly honest sonic realm that is "Therapy Couch". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to something not only special but welcomed and relatable. The track explores the ups and downs of life and relationships in a way that is sure to click with more than a few listeners as they embrace the fragile truth of the human heart, mind and soul. It's an absolutely well-crafted soundscape that understands how at times we stay in places that just don't feel right, but for the sake of somebody else's happiness we stay.

There's something about "Therapy Couch" that makes it feel quite cathartic and powerful yet playful and inviting. It's a well-balanced approach to storytelling that hits the spot and gives way for a one-of-a-kind addition to any playlist. So listen closely and fall prey to the magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“The song, 'Therapy Couch,' is about recalling being broken up with while sitting on the couch in your living room. The song tells the story of an argument between two partners where judgment was passed, criticisms were thrown, harsh marks were made and now the feeling of infatuation has been killed due to hot tempers and poor self mental awareness.

The lesson of the song should be to save one’s heated fits of overthinking for the therapy couch - and not the couch you share with the person you love. The song is supposed to be blasted into your headphones while you run full force at the gym because you have to get snatched after getting dumped. It’s supposed to remind people, and myself, to stop wasting time in relationships that don’t work.

Stop having the same fights with people because you won’t go to therapy. Get out of the rut of a bad relationship, accept you got dumped and move forward. I wrote this song to try and tell myself to better, and I hope other people try a little harder when they hear it too. *cough* my ex *cough*.”

Karalyne of Flight Attendant about "Therapy Couch"

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