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Heroes of the Heart

US-based indie band The Strike comes to Wolf in a Suit with the wonderfully inspiring sonic realm of "Heroes of the Heart". With this honest and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics we are given something special, more than a song, we get an anthem to sing along. It's a beautifully human and raw showcase of feelings and emotions that embraces us whole and makes us feel at ease from the moment we press play.

There's something about "Heroes of the Heart" that just hits the spot and makes you feel at home, allowing you to bring down your walls and simply smile. It's a one-of-a-kind soundscape that pop can offer so much more than catchy tunes, but deep and meaningful stories that connect with our fragile existence. So listen closely and fall pre to the sweet caress and warmth of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Heroes of the Heart’ is a song about being there for others in their time of need. Grand acts of bravery sell a lot at the box office, but everyday acts of kindness rarely get as much attention. And while incredible acts of heroism are certainly worthy of celebration, we wanted to write an anthem for the people who show up in simple ways and remind us that no matter what happens, we’re not broken.” 

The Strike

More of The Strike

"Heroes of the Heart" by The Strike Lyric Video

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