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Take Care Of Yourself

Editor's Notes Refreshing and rebellious indie rock soundscape coming to us straight from Australia.

Australian indie band Blanco Tranco comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the fantastic musical creation that is "Take Care of Yourself". With this track, the band gives life to a rebellious, honest and raw showcase of feelings and emotions that just speaks to us all. The song flows with such energy and fire, that you can't help but need and want more and more of it as it all comes together.

The surprise after you press play is a pleasant one, making this soundscape a perfect addition to any playlist. Plus, the sonic experience is one that serves us with a much needed dose of escapism as we dive into the sonic adventure that it holds. There's no denying that "Take Care Of Yourself" is the perfect door to open in order to get hooked by the sounds of this amazing band. So listen closely and embrace the fire that burns inside this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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