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Drink His Wine

From Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Abby Pierrot with the sonic creation that is "Drink His Wine". With this fantastic and honest blend of melodies and lyrics she gives life to a tale so human, so real and sure to feel relatable to more than a few. The track embraces a wide array of feelings and emotions giving us a chance to explore it and really see something that can connect with us or teach us something. It's a soundscape that not only hits the mark on the sound side, but lyrically speaking it's wonderfully crafted and showcased by an amazing voice.

There's something about "Drink His Wine" that feels different from what we are used to and that is a welcomed surprise for us all. This is a soundscape bound to find a place within our human experience and feel so palpable that you'll surely find yourself listening to it over and over again. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Abby Pierrot