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The Daughter That My Mother Wanted

Editor's Notes A powerful and personal showcase of feelings and emotions.

"The Daughter That My Mother Wanted" comes to us, courtesy of two amazing talented artists, say hello to Jules Paymer and Miki Ratsula. With this track, the two join forces to tell a story so personal, so powerful and so truly valuable for human growth and understanding. They open up their hearts and souls and allow us to get to know them beyond their artistry and see the tales that inspired these verses. They let go of everything to let us know that we are allowed to see and pay attention to every single detail.

There's something about "The Daughter That My Mother Wanted" that is bound to strike a chord with a few listeners as it tells a tale so human and true. The raw nature of it's verses flows along naturally with the assistance of their heartfelt singing and subtle instrumentalism. There's no denying it, this soundscape is a special one, for it opens our eyes to see beyond what is our reality to learn about someone else and what life has handed to them.

So listen closely and let go of all the so-called rules that society likes to give us and simply explore the must-listen gem that is "The Daughter That My Mother Wanted". Make it yours, enjoy the ride and pay attention because maybe we can be better people after at least one listen of this masterpiece.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Miki and I have the unfortunate kind of privilege of understanding each other that allows a song like this to exist. To meet somebody who has had such a similar experience in their gender, family, and existence is rare in the first place. To both be on this difficult journey of not only being non-binary, but also making room for ourselves in the music industry where room was never made, is an incredible thing.

It can be daunting and scary being an artist trying to make real change. Being on set for the music video and hanging out with our ‘younger selves. was kind of insane, it was hard but at the same time, very healing." 

Jules Paymer about "The Daughter That My Mother Wanted"

More of Jules Paymer