desire - Valentina Tross - Mexico - Venezuela - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Venezuela-born/Mexico-raised indie singer/songwriter Valentina Tross comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the sweet magic of "Desire". With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics she opens up her heart and soul to share a bit of the human being behind the artist. It's a tale that understands the fragile truth of our existence in a way that just clicks and allows us to find bits and pieces of ourselves within it.

"Desire" is a welcome dose of honest storytelling that embraces the reality of life with such artistry and down-to-earth charm. This is a soundscape bound to be a fan favorite and a great addition to any playlist, for it just resonates with all who listen from start to end. So listen closely and pay attention for there's something waiting for you within the confines of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Desire is about decisions, and how these can keep you in or take you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes we find ourselves unable to chase our dreams and go after promising opportunities, or even go after a lover, forever keeping us in a state of "what if?", where we find comfort and excitement. Actually doing these things, on the other hand, brings anxiety and doubtfulness, and brings one back to reality where things are not the ideal that we want them to be.

Because of this, we're constantly waiting for an offer, for someone else to make a move, to give us the callback we've been idealizing and waiting for. We put the power in someone else's hands instead of taking it into our own strength and giving direction to our lives.

When we finally encourage ourselves to make a choice, we can find ourselves frustrated in how choosing a path will inevitably steer us away from something else in our life that we love, but we always have to have faith that what we choose will be the best decision for us".

Valentina Tross about "Desire"

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