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You Never Know

The amazingly talented and creating indie artist Geographer comes to us once more and he does so with the captivating tale of "You Never Know". With this hypnotizing showcase of feelings and emotions he invites us into a world unknown yet so strangely familiar and easy to connect with. It's a track that aims to remind us that nobody is perfect and in reality no one can be sure to hold the full truth of life in their hands. So open your eyes and be brave and explore the world for what it is, a mysterious realm that no one really knows and no one will ever fully understand.

There's something about "You Never Know" that is strangely freeing and quite inspiring, pulling you in and letting you see that it's ok to let go of all you think you know. There's a perfectly served dose of escapism within this verses, that you can't help but need and want more and more of it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this intoxicating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“All of life around us is a mystery. And we do our best to explain it. But why are we so uncomfortable admitting that it’s all just our best guess? Why do people get punished throughout history, for making a different one? And are we that insecure in our beliefs that we have to galvanize them into facts in order to maintain them at all? That was my jumping off point for this track. Exploring the remarkable human ability to lie to oneself. All in service of what, discomfort with our own mortality, the apparent futility of our actions, the seemingly random and often cruel passage of events? We try so hard to figure out what’s going on. I certainly have, and it’s brought me mostly grief. Maybe it would be better to accept that we don’t, and never will, know."

Geographer about "You Never Know"

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"You Never Know" Music Video

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