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Editor's Notes Empowering and freeing blend of melodies and lyrics that invites you to sing, scream and connect with it.

From the UK comes the amazing and uber-talented tmdistant with the powerful sonic creation that is "Help". With this exquisite and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, he tells us all that it's ok to sing, to scream and to find ourselves within this song. The track showcases what it means to feel lost and need someone, something or anything to lean on to be able to breath and move forward.

He embraces us with his voice and gives us a safe place to let it all out and that is quite mesmerizing to find. "Help" offers us a soundscape that feels like an escape and a way to heal, a catharsis one might say, and it is just so wonderful to hear.

"Help" is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best songs of the year, I don't care that the year just started, because I already know this. So listen closely and fall prey to the fire and the passion of this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Sometimes I feel like this song was a cry out to God. Sometimes I feel like it was a cry out to anyone for a shoulder to lean on. I wrote this at a point of my life a few years ago where I was so lonely and scared of the future and scared of everything around me thus why I sing “deliver me from this hell”. There is so much for you pack from this song.

I feel like people who listen to this will be able to sing/scream this through their crying phases all the way into getting through it. I made this song sad alone at 5am but now I sing it 2 years later with a smile on my face knowing I made it through the trials and tribulations.”

tmdistant on "Help"

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