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Cross Bridges

From Denmark comes the absolutely amazing indie band june with their latest musical adventure, say hello to the wonderfully inviting realm of "Cross Bridges". With this captivating and truly beautiful blend of melodies and lyrics, they open up their hearts and souls to share the reality of life and how it can be quite scary at times, but we can all find ways to move past that fear. It's a track that speaks to us with words that manage to naturally feel ours while being so theirs from start to end.

"Cross Bridges" is a welcomed change in the conversation that we seem to have nowadays, it does not hide away the difficulty of things, but embraces them and accepts that they are bridges that must be crossed to grow and move forward. It's a soundscape that pulls us in and makes us feel a connection with it in an instant, becoming a fan favorite from the moment you press play. So listen closely and embrace the warmth and inspiring magic of the must-listen gem that is "Cross Bridges". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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