honey - Maya Malkin - canada - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes Catchy, charming and refreshingly seductive blend of melodies and lyrics.

From Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Maya Malkin with the fantastic sonic creation that is "Honey". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics she explores relationships and life in a way that is quite relatable and inviting. The track serves to showcase how amazing her songwriting skills are as she paints a picture so vivid and real from the moment you press play. There's something about this soundscape that just gets you hooked form start to end, letting you be part of the story that's unfolding inside it.

I appreciate the fact that she gives us pop music, but adds a twist to it that makes it stand out immediately, making "Honey" an instant fan favorite. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Honey is the calm before the storm. Probably the most lighthearted on the album, and one of the only songs with a positive twist, Honey hints at the issues that the rest of the album tackles without yet understanding the darkness that lies ahead.”

Maya Malkin

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