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Chasing The Night


From Iceland comes the absolutely amazing and talented Axel Flóvent and he does so with his latest release, say hello to "Chasing The Night". With a wonderfully intoxicating and honest blend of melodies and lyrics he gives life to something quite special and inviting. It's a song that understands the ways in which to not only speak to our senses, but to our hearts and souls with such natural disposition.

There's something about "Chasing The Night" that just clicks and pulls you in from the moment you press play. It's a soundscape that has all the right ingredients to play along nicely with our imaginations, speaking to us with words that embrace the reality of a human experience in a way that is just so raw and easy to feel ours. So listen closely and fall prey to this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Chasing The Night” is about the stubbornness of not being able to stop thinking about/working on something that feels unsatisfying no matter what it is. You’re so unsatisfied with the result but also completely out of energy to make anything happen yet you still continue even though you see it get worse and worse."

Axel Flóvent

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"Chasing The Night" by Axel Flóvent Music Video

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