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Day One

Editor's Notes A wonderfully inspiring and inviting soundscape.

US-based indie band STRVCK comes to Wolf in a Suit with the captivating sonic creation that is "Day One". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, they give us a world that is so human, so real and so beautifully captivating. There's an honesty felt throughout the entire soundscape that allows us to feel a connection from the moment we press play. They speak of a relationship with someone that just makes you feel at ease and so much trust, giving way for a modern anthem to friendship, loyalty and something else if wanted it to be so.

"Day One" is a special track that just knows how to hit the spot and give our hearts and souls a place to simply be ourselves and let our emotions take over. So listen closely and fall prey to the fantastic magic that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"We wrote "Day One" with the help of our executive producer and (sometimes) co-writer, Max Frost. We wanted it to be about a "ride or die" companion that sticks with you through thick and thin. It has the makings of a heart felt ballad, mixed with an anthemic car-ride sing along. Its a declaration of friendship and loyalty. We were so pleased with how it turned out, we decided to name our record after it."


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