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Change Your Mind

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Dani Sylvia comes to Wolf in a Suit with the beautifully bittersweet sonic creation that is "Change Your Mind". With this masterfully crafted showcase of feelings and emotions, she speaks from the heart and manages to do so directly to ours from the moment we press play. It's a track that embraces your senses and makes you feel part of this tale that is so sad yet so wonderful and mesmerizing for it understands the fragile nature of our human condition quite perfectly.

"Change Your Mind" is a special track for it will surely bring a tear out of the corner of your eye as you smile softly and gently looking up at the skies. It knows that there are love stories that unfortunately end yet still remain ingrained within our hearts and souls, because it wasn't hate, anger or distance that made it falter, but something higher than it all, an uncontrollable force that decides when and how we all say goodbye. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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