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Emotional Punching Bag

US-based indie singer/songwriter Meg Smith has another hit up her sleeve, say hello to the sonic adventure that is "Emotional Punching Bag". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics, she opens up to us to invite us to meet not only the artist, but the person. The track flows with natural ease, caressing our senses and painting a picture that is so human and so palpable. It offers us a chance to see her answer back and let those who used her as a punching bag receive a bit of their own medicine.

There's something about "Emotional Punching Bag" that is refreshingly human and easy to connect with, letting us that life's ups and downs are part of us all. The soundscape is charming and playful, allowing the lyrics to take care of the serious side of things, as it all comes alive. So listen closely and fall prey to the bittersweet yet inspiring magic of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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"Emotional Punching Bag" Visualizer


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