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Who You Are

From Italy comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Damien McFly with his latest musical creation, say hello to "Who You Are". With this refreshingly rebellious and honest blend of melodies and lyrics he invites us too look within and really take a good look at the person we are. It's a track that understands that sometimes our struggles not necessarily come from others but from not being willing to accept the reality of us. He understands this and manages to not only share his own fragile truth, but allows us to see ours as well.

"Who You Are" is quite freeing and relatable in my opinion, making it a song that hits the spot and connects with our senses with natural ease. It's a soundscape that breaks the mold of the typical and instead of selling fantasies and dreams, invites to see that reflection looking back at us and smile for it ours and no one else's. So listen closely and fall prey to the inspiring touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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