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From Ireland comes the absolutely amazing ROE and with her comes the down-to-earth and honest tale of “Autopilot”. With this track, she not only opens up her heart and soul, but invites us to take a look inside and feel comfortable enough to do the same thing. It’s a brilliant mix of melodies and lyrics that manages to subtly give life to a lush and vivid soundscape that is cinematic and quite captivating.

There’s a certain beauty about “Autopilot” that hits the mark with such welcomed natural ease, painting a picture so human and palpable from the moment you press play. It’s a song that allows us to explore it and find bits and pieces of ourselves in it. So, listen closely, let go of what you think you know and just fall prey to this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I wrote this song as a 23 year old who felt like they were falling behind.  This particular year was rife with people I grew up with reaching conventional milestones when I hadn’t even checked off one.  Marriage, babies, job security, the mortgage. It’s strange that. The expectations you put on yourself and that other people put on you before knowing for certain it’s what you want.

I couldn’t help but feel like I should hurry up and get on the same page as them. And then I really thought about it. Like staring into blank space, out of body kind of deep thought. And I realised that I’m content with where I’m at.  Two years later, after a lot of love and consideration, ‘Autopilot’ is now yours. A song for anyone who isn’t where they’re supposed to be.”

ROE about "Autopilot"

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