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Wounds (Healing)

Editor's Notes An absolutely mesmerizing invitation to explore what dwells within the heart and soul.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Olivia Reid comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives life to the sonic creation that is "Wounds (Healing)". With this exquisite showcase of feelings and emotions she explores the complex nature of healing in a way that is quite relatable and hypnotizing. She knows that this process is not as simple as it seems to be sold, for it holds many ups and downs that are part of it as well.

Sometime you have good days and sometimes you have bad ones, the process is a mystery even to those going through it. "Wounds (Healing)" invites us to look inside and really have a conversation between the me, myself and I. There are no rules, but a world to explore, one that caresses our senses and speaks to our hearts and souls. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet release and the magic that resides within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Olivia Reid