Album Recommendation Album review Indie Pop Indie Rock

Album Review: ‘Turpentine’ by Nathaniel Paul

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My Personal Favorites of the ‘Turpentine’ album:

  • “Start Over”: There is something about this track that just know how pull you in and make you feel as if these verses had always been meant for you to explore.
  • “We Can’t Keep Running Away”: It’s a subtly cinematic and honest showcase of the sweet magic that a good storyteller can provide to us starving music lovers.
  • “Never”: A beautifully crafted down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions that is bound to speak to your heart and soul from the moment it starts, until the very end.

‘Turpentine’ by Nathaniel Paul

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The absolutely amazing Nathaniel Paul comes to Wolf in a Suit with the refreshingly intoxicating musical creation that is the ‘Turpentine’ album. It’s a body of work made of melodies and lyrics that embrace the past and the present in a way that is not only fun but easy and natural to feel a part of. It’s an album that understands the magic that music needs to bring to people’s life and knows how to speak to us as if we were present right there in the studio and this was a show just for us and our senses.

‘Turpentine’ is absolutely exquisite and allows us to not only be aware of his voice, his guitar playing, but also, that down-to-earth yet subtly surreal way of giving life to each verse, painting pictures that are lush and vivid. Each song manages to stand on its own and give us something different, setting themselves apart from each other in such welcomed fashion. It’s a mature and raw showcase of the beauty of life and all that makes it up, embracing the good, the bad, and all that gives color to our existence.

Listen closely to each song, for they have something to give us as they play along with our imagination and grab a hold of us in an instant. The ‘Turpentine’ album is marvelous and serves as reminder that not all you hear in the mainstream media is what your senses deserve, sometimes you need to take a step away from that and find something special in the indie jungle that is filled with so many musicians pushing the envelope and crafting stories and adventures for us to have. So next time you are in this jungle, make sure to bring along some friends and give them a dose of what Nathaniel Paul has crafted with such care and passion.

Location: USA

Genre: Indie Rock/Pop

To Stream album on Apple click HERE

Fun Fact: Nathaniel is 1/2 of The Bergamot

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