Indie Folk Videos Video

Music Video: “The Dial” by Anna Tivel

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“The Dial” by Anna Tivel

From Portland, OR  comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Anna Tivel with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is “The Dial”. With this stunning and surreal blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a tale that explore the meaning of being human in a way that is quite unique and strangely inviting. The track flows easily through the airwaves, connecting the dots and caressing our senses as it gives our imagination a chance to be part of something special. Her voice guides us through this newfound reality and the verses intertwine and become one, making the picture so much clearer.

There’s something about this soundscape that embraces the older sounds while still feeling contemporary and relatable to all. So listen closely, open up your eyes and simply fall prey to the unknown magic of this mesmerizing must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy the musical escapade that is “The Dial”!

“I wrote ‘The Dial’ on the back of a gas receipt on a long drive from Utah to Colorado. A car in front of me threw some trash out the window and when I got closer it turned out one of the items was a little dreamcatcher.

I was at the tail end of a long tour, just feeling kind of raw and doubtful and it made me feel like throwing up my hands and laughing. Driving all over the place playing songs about my feelings for strangers is serious business to me, a deep devotion and a privilege.

And it’s also sometimes totally nuts, like some hilarious simulation where you keep finding yourself peeing through a funnel drilled in the floor of a shitty van outside the place where you just poured your heart out in front of three drunk people who kept asking the bartender to turn the tv back on. I’m glad both things exist, the expansive and the humbling, and I’ll never toss my dreamcatcher.”

Anna Tivel

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Anna Tivel