Album Recommendation Album review Indie Folk

EP Review: ‘Diary of a Flame’ by Jess Abran

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To Listen:

More of Jess Abran

Personal Favorite

*“Undertones” (Track 4/3:15)

*“That Song” (Track 6/3:25)

‘Diary of a Flame’ by Jess Abran

Rating: 4 out of 5.

From Canada comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Jess Abran with a dose of magic, courtesy of her ‘Diary of a Flame’ EP. With this body of work, she gives life to tales that manage to feel so human, so raw and yet speak to us from a surreal and haunting setting. It’s a welcomed showcase of acoustic melodies that understand the ways in which to let her voice not only shine, but speak to us directly from start to end.

There’s something quite special and exciting awaiting all music lovers within the confines of the ‘Diary of a Flame’ EP. These tracks will make you feel a connection, as if these verses were talking about you, but you know that they come from the mind of this amazing artist.

Out of the 6 songs, there were 2 that embraced me tighter and with a spoke to my soul a little louder. They are: “Undertones” and “That Song”.

For me , there was something a bit more palpable and intoxicating within the melodies and lyrics that gave these songs life. They spoke to that teenager that never disappears and always remains sitting right next to that inner child that I hope to always keep alive. These songs understood the ups and downs that make up life and growing up in a way that allows me (and hopefully all who listen) a chance to feel understood and heard. But remember, these were my favorites, it’s your job to find the ones that speak the loudest to you.

So listen closely to each and every track she is offering the goddess of music and like a moth to the flame, fall prey to the sweet unknown that lies within the ‘Diary of a Flame’ EP. Enjoy the magic and honest caress pf these mesmerizing must-listen gems.

Location: Canada

Genre: Indie Folk/Alternative

To Buy/Stream EP click HERE
