Indie Folk

Listen: “don’t let go” by Braden Lam

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“don’t let go” by Braden Lam

From Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Braden Lam with the bittersweet yet beautiful sonic creation that is “don’t let go”. With this wonderful blend of melodies and lyrics, he tells a story of holding on to a memory of someone loved, even when they are gone. The track embraces each and every verse, bringing it all together and pulling us into a world that is so raw and so instantly relatable. There’s no denying that the approach taken makes the soundscape an instant hit in my book and one I would for you to listen and fall for.

His voice is honest, charming and understands how to invite us in and make us feel part of this story that while his, also manages to be ours. So listen closely and fall prey to the gentle magic of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Braden Lam