Indie Folk

Listen: “Normal People” by Andrea Magee

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“Normal People” by Andrea Magee

From Ireland comes the talented indie singer/songwriter Andrea Magee with the inspiring sonic creation that is “Normal People”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions, she invites us to look within and see the value of our own uniqueness in a way that is quite beautiful. The melodies and lyrics complement each other in a way that allows the story to unfold and fully connect with each person who listens from the very first second. Her voice is perfection and serves as the perfect guide for our imagination to connect the dots and makes these verses feel as much ours as they are hers.

There’s something about this track that fills us with an empowering fire that caresses our senses and invites to push forward in life. So listen closely and allow the sweet magic of this must-listen gem envelop you fully. Enjoy!

Location: Ireland

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Andrea Magee