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Your Girl

From the UK, comes the always amazing Lissy Taylor and with her she brings the wonderfully empowering tale of “Your Girl”. With this track she opens up her heart and soul to share a bit of herself and in this adventure, she allows us to see a bit of us looking back. It’s a track that serves as a reminder that you should always be free to be true to yourself and not molded by someone else’s wishes and desires.

There’s something quite mesmerizing about “Your Girl” that is sure to connect with more than a few listeners, giving them a push to rediscover their own voice and the beauty in the freedom they hold (or the one they crave). So listen closely because there’s power in these verses and you we are always meant to embrace the fire of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

More of Lissy Taylor

"Your Girl" by Lissy Taylor Visualizer

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