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Glass Of You

Uber-talented British-Italian indie singer/songwriter Luca Fiore comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet tale of "Glass of You". With this fantastic and refreshingly honest and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics he explores the aftermath of breaking up in a playful and inviting fashion. It's a soundscape that embraces the sadness of the experience in a way that does not break you but instead connects with you and leads you to a possible way to move forward, which personally might not be the best solution (but it's something).

"Glass of You" manages to make what most would consider a sad experience into a moment of growth, realization and to take it all with a smile. It's a refreshing approach that might not work for everyone but it's definitely inspiring to hear about. So listen closely, dive into this wonderfully crafted realm and embrace all that this must-listen gem has to offer. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"The song describes, in a humorous yet emotional way, the messy dialogue in the head of someone who just broke up. Arguing was not fun and you say to your friends you'll be better off alone. You know it's the right thing to do. Yet, if you could just have one last "glass" of him/her... perhaps it'd be easier to let go."

Luca Fiore about "Glass of You"

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