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Somewhere Else

Editor's Notes A welcomed change of pace and storytelling within the pop genre.

Brooklyn based indie band Stolen Jars comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the captivating sonic creation that is "Somewhere Else". With this track, this fantastic ensemble not only let us know they have arrived but they give us a story so relatable and charming. The track explores a newfound reality that is part of the modern world, as we all find that our computer/phone screes open doors to other places and other people. The soundscape embraces us completely as it paints this picture that is so vivid, so real and so truly mesmerizing from start to end.

"Somewhere Else" is a welcomed change to what we are used to in regards to lyrics and melodies, giving pop something more palpable and true. So listen closely, let your imagination roam freely and fall prey to this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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