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Lost My Way

From the UK comes the amazing sister-duo SISTRA and their latest single, say hello to the sonic realm of "Lost My Way". With this absolutely mesmerizing blend of melodies and lyrics they give the pop genre a much needed dose of honesty and rawness. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses with a gentle yet palpable touch that embraces us whole and allows us to find ourselves within it. It's a soundscape that speaks from their hearts and souls straight to ours, making for an instant connection between us and them.

There's something about "Lost My Way" that just clicks, letting our imagination explore and become one with it from the moment we press play. This soundscape is a special one that deserved to be housed in many playlist and to be explored alongside others. So listen closely, close your eyes and fall prey to the unknown magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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