times - Clara Yolks - dzasko - peru - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes Peruvian talent that blends vocals and melodies in a hypnotizing fashion.

It's a pleasure to showcase talent from my home country and although this is rare, when it happens though, it's quite special. Say hello to the uber-talented Dzasko and Clara Yolks and their ethereal and beautiful musical creation, "Times". With this refreshing dose of melodies and lyrics they blend Spanish and English so perfectly as they caress our senses with a warm and inviting touch. The soundscape is absolutely mesmerizing and intoxicating from start to end as it gives us classic and contemporary sounds.

"Times" is an exquisite addition to any playlist and makes for one hell of a musical adventure from start to end. There's no escaping this one-of-a-kind realm for it has it all to be a fan favorite and a must for any playlist. So listen closely and embrace the sweet taste of this musical ambrosia and remember the names, Dzasko and Clara Yolks, for they are meant for greatness. Enjoy!

Location: Peru

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Dzasko

More of Clara Yolks