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Fighting with Myself

Nashville-based indie singer/songwriter Kate Cosentino comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the introspective sonic creation that is "Fighting with Myself". With this track, she invites us to explore within and realize that sometimes our worst enemy is not out in the world, but inside our heads, our hearts and our souls. It's that little voice that you are sure to recognize, for its yours and no one else's, it knows you better that anyone and strikes where it hurts most. There's no denying it, we all fight it every once in a while, it just appears out of nowhere when needed less.

"Fighting with Myself" is wonderfully relatable and manages to offer us a mix of melodies and lyrics that speaks in words that we can feel ours from start to end. It's a soundscape unlike anything else out there, for it feels playful and fun, but once you pay attention, you realize that the topic explored is one we all know quite well.

So listen closely and know that you are not alone, but you need to take this opponent head on to make dreams and goals come true. Enjoy the down-to-earth charm and storytelling approach of the must-listen gem that is "Fighting with Myself". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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