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This Is Love

US-based indie band Air Traffic Controller comes to us once more and they deliver with the one-of-a-kind sonic experience that is “This Is Love”. With this track we get a welcomed dose of pop-rock mixed in with a lush and cinematic touch that makes the song so special and inviting. It’s a soundscape that embraces our senses from the moment we press play and understand that getting our imagination invested is also part of the equation.

There’s no denying it, “This Is Love”, is a fantastic addition to any playlist and makes for the perfect door to open if Air Traffic Controller is meant to get a hold of you. It’s a great track that is playful, fun and truly quite inviting, keeping you hooked from start to end with ease. So, listen closely and let go of all you know as you dive into the world of this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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