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The Good Kind Of Love

Editor's Notes A beautifully bittersweet sonic creation bound to grab a hold of your heart from the moment you press play.

UK-based indie band amilost comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they invite us to explore the realm of "The Good Kind Of Love". With this exquisite and cinematic blend of melodies and lyrics they allow us to be part of a tale so bittersweet yet so unfortunately true. The track embraces that moment in which love needs to be present and sadly, one side has already begun to take it for granted as if it was a given. Love is something that needs for you to be ever-present and always attentive for the heart needs that reminder that it matter or all can come to an end.

There's something about "The Good Kind Of Love" that simply knows how to caress your senses and instantly pull you in. It's a special soundscape that manages to speak to our hearts and souls from start to end, connecting the dots and reminding us that we all matter and whoever is with you must cherish you as you do them. So listen closely and fall prey to the mesmerizing and melancholic nature of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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